Adventurer Conqueror King System
ACKs character sheet


Ability Scores


  • Add this modifier to certain saves, typically petrification, poison, and death unless the save represents getting out of the way, in which case, use DEX


  • Add this modifier to certain saves, typically blast and breath, unless the save represents getting out of the way, in which case, use DEX


  • Add this modifier to certain saves, typically spells, staves, and wands
  • The Wisdom modifier times 5% is the experience bonus for all classes, the prerequisite score is used only to enter classes



Anyone can get ceremonial magic with a general proficiency. Non-spell casters become level 1 ceremonial casters. Additional proficiencies increase the caster level as follows: 2 gets 1/2 runemaker progression, 3 gets runemaker, 4 gets loremaster. Spell casters of course get their full caster level as per the rules.




Dungeon Movement

  • Parties moving at the cautious rate are treated as actively searching the entire area they pass through within 10'-20'-ish and not opening doors nor exploring branching passages.
  • Parties may double time it and move twice their move in a Turn at the cost of -1 to surprise rolls (this applies to trap activation as well). Parties are treated as casually inspecting the areas they pass through.
  • Parties may triple time it, moving triple (outdoor speed) in a Turn at the cost of -2 to surprise rolls (this applies to trap activation as well). Parties are treated as casually inspecting the areas they are passing through with an additional -4 to any casual proficiency checks.


Only x2 move not x3




Critical Hits

A critical hit occurs when the to-hit roll total is 10 or more (7+ for weapon focus) over the target's AC (11+AC mods). Target's do not take double damage, but the attacker rolls on the critical chart in HFH.

Damage multipliers

Roll all dice each with all STR and other adds, do not multiply


Each multiple adds 1d6 bonus damage, each of which adds all modifiers (STR, fighter, magic, etc)


In general, conditions last until the start of a character's turn the round after it has its effect. So a character stunned on initiative 4 in round 1, who acts on initiative 2, will recover right before his initiative in round 2. The same character stunned who had already acted in round 1, initiative 4 or higher, would not recover until right before his initiative in round 3.

Mortal Wounds

Add +2 to the roll per HD size above 1d4

Healing & Recovery

Base Healing Rate (BHR)

A character's base healing rate is based on total hp as per pg. 13 of the Heroic Fantasy Handbook and all these rules are in effect. Living conditions while recovering increase the BHR by steps from "adequate".

Short Rest

Characters injured in an encounter may spend an extra turn recovering a BHR.


  • All magic is Eldritch.
  • Arcane casters are eldritch spell casters.
  • Divine casters are ceremonial casters.
  • Characters may retain Divine casting as is with the understanding that they are producing actual miracles and have the attention of the divine. If they add ceremonial casting they may add up to their INT as additional repertoire and become subject to the shades of magic for ALL magic they cast and are still subject to their divine code.



Characters may pay more or less than their monthly upkeep for a +/-5% to earned XP in the following month per level difference. This upkeep level is also used in all calculations for appearance or social encounters.

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